A Look Inside DAC23 at Don Bosco Kabgayi Oratory
On Sunday, June18, 2023, the African Child Day was celebrated at Scholasticat Don Bosco Kabgayi with the global theme “The Rights of the Child in the Digital Environment.” The celebration was preceded by a mass offered by Anaclet Munyankindi, the Director of Don Bosco Kabgayi Community. The Day of the African Child is typically celebrated on June16th each year.
The celebration was attended by the director of the Salesian Community in Kabgayi, local village authorities, representatives of the Itetere family, and members of the Children Empowerment Network Club who organized the event.
Joyfully, Father Munyankindi Anaclet reminded the children to behave like Christians by obeying their parents and avoiding other bad behaviors. “You should be polite and avoid being rude. You should study with courage in order to prepare for a better future.”
The Club Children Empowerment Network was established to fight against all forms of violence against children. Through games and songs, its members have urged children to pay attention to what they watch on social networking sites, in movies, and on the phone, asking them to use technology for learning, and try to fulfil their responsibilities, including respecting their superiors, helping parents with their work, studying diligently, being clean, taking good care of the equipment of school, clothes and avoid wandering or leaving home without asking permission to avoid violence against them
The event was marked by children’s dances, poems and drawings focusing on the rights of the child, their responsibilities, child abuse and how to prevent it. There was a meal shared with vulnerable children and children from poor families. After the event, all the children who came to the event were given sweets, biscuits and prizes for those who won the competition organized for the celebration of the African child, including singing, poetry and dancing, theatre and drawing.
Club children empowerment network located in the oratory of Scholasticat Don Bosco Kabgayi now has on his shoulders 15 children that it provides school supplies and school fees from the contribution of members