The Planning and Development Office of the Salesians of Don Bosco in the African Great Lakes (AGL) Province serves three regional countries namely Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi.

This Office which locates in Kigali, Rwanda, works in accordance With the ‘General Guidelines of the model and Tasks of the Provincial Planning and Development Office in the Salesian World’. 

In all the provinces, it is necessary to implement all the mechanisms to turn this Office into a support instrument for the training, efficiency, professionalism, creativity and coherence of the Salesians answer in the world.

The PDO has to be an essential instrument for a qualitative Salesian Mission.

It is one of the vital instruments for the Provincial and his Council to animate and manage the Province and to answer the challenges encountered by the Salesian Mission in its territory qualitatively and efficiently.

Therefore the PDO is the technical office and the provincial structure to guarantee quality, efficacy and efficiency of the Provincial and his Council’s management of participative strategic planning and development of life and the provincial mission.

The AGL Planning and Development Office started in 2007 as result of the conclusions of the Planning and Development Office (PDO) Seminar held in Rome in April 2005. This PDO is a transversal body in the province in the service of the provincial and his Council. The PDO is connected to the different Provincials Commissions and the local communities.

Through your support

You enabled to reach and support many young people through Education

In fact, the support we receive through your donations helps us reach a large number of young people, especially those from disadvantaged families. In our schools and TVETs Schools, we have a large number of disadvantaged young people who receive education through Scholarship programs and sponsorships, thanks to your help. You enable us also to purchase modern teaching equipment in order to provide quality education. We have a lot to do: 


TVET Students in 2023


Secondary School students in 2023


Primary School students in 2023


Nursery School children in 2023
