Uganda: Engineers Without Borders in Collaboration with Jugend Eine Welt upskilled Don Bosco TVET Centre Trainers On Three Phase Solar System Installation
Engineers without Borders in collaboration with Jugend Eine Welt through Planning and Development Office (PDO) upskilled Don Bosco TVET Centre trainers on three phase solar system installation. The ToT took place at St. Joseph VTC Kamuli from 24TH October to 4TH November 2022. Participants of the ToT came from St. Joseph VTC Kamuli, Don Bosco VTC Bombo and Don Bosco VTC Palabek. During the ToT, three phase solar system was installed with a capacity of 125.280 KWH, (Kilo Watt Hour), three inverters of 48V/ 1600 VA each, one BYD Lithium ion battery of 5KWH, and also programming of three phase solar system and remote monitoring of solar systems installed using victron monitoring products.
Thanks to our development partners Jugend Eine Welt and Austrian Development Agency (ADA) for the financial support. This is under the program Solar Skills Training and Environmental Education Program, a four years program from 2019 to 2022 being implemented in three Don Bosco TVET Centres in Uganda namely; Don Bosco VTC Bombo, Don Bosco VTC Palabek and St. Joseph VTC Kamuli.