St. Joseph VTC Kamuli : Training of Trainers on Project Initiation, Planning, and Execution Skills by Junior Achievement Uganda (JA).
In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, training institutions are increasingly expected to not only impart knowledge and skills but also to nurture creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills into their students.
To equip trainers with the tools they need to thrive in this dynamic environment, a ground-breaking workshop titled “Empowering Teachers in Project Initiation, Planning, and Execution” was held on September 13th 2023, at St. Joseph VTC Kamuli.
The primary goal of the workshop was to empower trainers to train their students with the skills and knowledge necessary to initiate, plan, and execute innovative projects in their different departments which will serve as learning models that students can replicate within their families and communities as we promote the spirit of entrepreneurship.
Throughout the day, teachers were divided into groups to work on mini-projects which they presented. Feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive. Many teachers expressed a new-found confidence in their ability to integrate project-based learning into their trainings. They appreciated the practical nature of the workshop and the opportunity to learn from both experts and their peers. This workshop covered topics such as team formation, Leadership positions, ideation, business planning, resource mobilization, market research, piloting and implementation.
Participants engaged in interactive sessions led by facilitators from Junior Achievement Uganda (JA) under the flag ship program of JA Company Program. JA is in partnership with Salesians of Don Bosco TVET Centres under the Gender Matters for Green TVET Programme.
Thanks to our development partners Jugend Eine Welt and Austrian Development Agency (ADA) for the financial support. This is under the program Gender Matters for Green TVET, a four years program from 2023 to 2026 being implemented in five Don Bosco TVET Centres in Uganda and Rwanda namely; St. Joseph VTC Kamuli, Don Bosco VTC Bombo, Don Bosco VTC Palabek, Don Bosco TSS Gatenga and Don Bosco TSS Muhazi.