
PDO Team visits construction site at Don Bosco Gatenga TVET School

On November 4th, 2021, the Director of the Salesian Planning and Development Office Father Ufitamahoro Servilien accompanied by Mr. Dominique Uwarugira, Project Officer, conducted a field visit at Don Bosco Gatenga TVET School to follow up on the progress of constructing New Classrooms and Workshop that will serve students of Culinary Arts trade.

In a short Interview after the field visit, Father Ufitamahoro explained that the visit is planned for every week to see the construction progress.

He added that the visit also is an opportunity to remind the contractor to speed up the work as well as to correct minor construction errors that have been identified by the visiting and supervisory team.

“As you know the project started a year ago, so, we need this work to be sped up to ensure that the classrooms are available on time so that students can start using them” Father Ufitamahoro said.

“We are conducting a weekly visit to check on progress while at the same time showing the constructor the errors that he needs to correct to make sure that once the classrooms and workshop are completed will have the quality standard that we want.” He added.

The Construction of the Classrooms and workshop is part of a bigger curricula and training development project supported by the German government and the Focus is given on culinary arts, Food & Beverage Trade.

The classrooms and Workshop blocks are designed in a way that students will be able to get enough breathing during theoretical or practical hours.

Salesians of Don Bosco seek to modernize the TVET education so that trained students are able to respond to the job market requirements.

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