AGL- Salesian TVET Schools Directors Meet in Kigali
From Monday, 19th December 2022, Directors of the Salesian Technical Schools meet in Kigali at the AGL Salesian Provincial House to reflect on the current situation of the Salesian TVET schools in Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda.
The meeting which was officially opened on Tuesday, 20th December 2022 by Father Pierre Celestin Ngoboka, the Provincial superior, is an opportunity for the heads of the Salesian Technical Schools to work together with Don Bosco Tech Africa representatives in the elaboration of the Strategic Plan for the Salesian Technical School which will act as the guiding document that shows the current situation and the needed vision of the Salesian TVETs.
As of today, the Salesians of Don Bosco own 8 TVET schools which are located in Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda.
Speaking at the opening session, Father Ngoboka said that “The meeting is a very important opportunity to reflect on our TVET in order to be able to shape the future of the salesian Technical schools in the whole province.”
He said “The Directors know the current situation” adding that “Based on the good situational analysis, I hope you will also come up with the new strategies to improve and strengthen our TVETs.”
He reminded that the salesians are well known in technical education and that’s why they should remain focused on that charisma.
For Father Ngoboka, “We should work hard and make sure that the number of the young people enrolling in our TVETs are increased and that should go hand in hand with the quality of the education that will help them to respond to the needs of the job market.”
The meeting is co-hosted by the Don Bosco Tech Africa, as a coordinating body of all the Salesian Technical schools in Africa.