Activity, ADVOCACY

Unlocking Local Resources: The AGL PDO Team in Italy to exchange on best practices to mobilize local resources.

From 19 October to 23 October The Salesians Mission Office organized a workshop held in Roma/Italy at Fraterna Domus. The invited participants are: all the Salesians procures, all Salesians NGOs, all Salesians Provinces. AGL Province is represented by Fr Servilien UFITAMAHORO, the Provincial Economer and PDO Director and Felicien DUSABIMANA, the Head of the Finance department.

The Theme of this session is “Dare to share / Mobilisation of Local resources”.  The workshop intends to help the participants to understand the role of the Provincial mission Office, its mission and responsibility. It aims also to help the participants to understand how it differs from the Province Planning and Development Office (PDO).

Explaining the difference between the two offices, Father Alfred Maravila, the General Counsellor for Mission stated that importance of the Mission Office at the Provincial level aims to help the Province to achieve its mission of Evangelizing and its Pastoral activities while the PDO works as a technical office and the provincial structure to guarantee quality, efficacy, and efficiency of the provincial and his council’s management of the province’s strategic Plan.

The second objective of this meeting is to share the best practices on how to mobilize the Local Resources, it is also a good moment to share the success stories in different places where SDB are present.

A new software was also introduced, the CRM (Customer relationship management and Salesforce) This will help the Provinces to manage data and to keep relation with their different stakeholders.

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