Education, NEWS

Rwanda, Burundi JSO Team and TVET Directors in Nairobi for Synergy-building Workshop

From the 27th February, 2023, the Don Bosco Tech Africa has organized a six-day workshop for Job Service Officers and TVET center directors. The purpose of this workshop is to create the synergy between the JSO and the TVET center directors like key in realizing the TVET mission and to develop a monitoring system and an induction program for Local JSOs and accurate job descriptions, create work materials and templates for the Local JSO work, and create online materials and content guided by the Job Service Office Quality Handbook as the basis.

In his opening speech, Br. John Njuguna thanked the participants and reminded that “school principals have three main responsibilities of TVET management which are; Interpersonal, informational and decisional“.

He said “When they are able to understand and perform these responsibilities then TVET institutions will function effectively and efficiently. TVET leaders struggle with the challenges of work so delegating responsibility to relevant staff will help deliver the desired results”

He added that TVET Institutions need well-prepared leaders who understand the TVET sector and the labor market.

For Don Bosco TVET centers in Africa to be successful, it is important that the leaders of the centers understand their role. Another important pillar in Don Bosco TVET centers is the Employment Office. The overall goal of the labor force is to ensure that trainees adapt well to the labor market. The leaders of JSOs and TVET should work together to produce the best results of the activities of the TVET institution.

In conclusion, he urged the TVET Directors to work together with the JSOs to ensure the overarching goal of ensuring the transition to work for the Don Bosco TVET graduates is achieved.

The AGL Province was represented by Director of CFP Don Bosco Rango Father GATETE Innocent, Director of CFP Buterere Father Calixte UKWITEGETSE, TWIZEYIMANA Emmanuel Rwanda JSO and NSENGIYUMVA Jean Claude, Burundi JSO.

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