
Jugend Eine Welt Visits St. Joseph VTC Kamuli under Gender Matters for Green TVET Programme.  

Jugend Eine Welt represented by Johanna Dreher -Program Manager visited St. Joseph VTC Kamuli to monitor the progress of the project from Thursday 19TH to Friday 20TH September 2024.

Johanna interacted with students, staff and management on program implementation and she was impressed with the progress of the programme.

She also participated in the bootcamp for second year students from electrical, solar, plumbing and agriculture at Musana Solview Hotel Kamuli organized by SENDEA Uganda ltd. The bootcamp aimed at imparting business acumen skills to students as they prepare for the world of work.

She also visited business startups for female graduates of 2023 in Kamuli town for plumbing and electrical/solar shops. These business startups were supported by Gender Matters for Green TVET Project. This is aimed at promoting entrepreneurial mindset among graduates through self-employment.

Johanna called upon students to take every opportunity to improve their lives by being focused. The beneficiaries appreciated Gender Matters for Green TVET Project for the financial support.

The program visit at St. Joseph Vocational Training Centre Kamuli was made possible with funding from Austrian Development Cooperation and Jugend Eine Welt. This is part of the broader Gender Matters for Green TVET programme; a four-year initiative (2023-2026) implemented in five Don Bosco TVET Centres across Uganda and Rwanda.



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