
Handover of Certificates at Lycee Don Bosco Ngozi

By Guy- Brillant MUHOZA, Student

On Saturday, January 15, 2022, many parents gathered at the Lycée Don Bosco Ngozi to witness the handover of certificates of completion to their children who have completed their studies at this school.

They came to accompany their certified and graduate children in the six sections, namely: Languages, Maths-Physics, Bio-Chemistry and Earth Science, Economics, Pedagogy as well as Social and Human Sciences.

This graduation ceremony was presided by the Director of the school, Father Corneille Mbaga accompanied by the Economer, Father Pierre Claver Bucindika, the Dean of Studies, Félicien Nduwimana and the in charge of Discipline, Brother Jean Paul Niyonkuru.

The director of the school, Father Corneille MBAGA thanked these students for their behavior when they were still on the school benches.

He also congratulated them on their success because among the 138 students who had taken part in the state exam for the 2020-2021 school year, 137 of them achieved a score above 60%.

In conclusion, Father Mbaga asked them to keep the education received from Don Bosco, be it intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual education in order to raise the level of humanity outside of school.

After this ceremony, the graduates returned to celebrate with their respective families. May these Past Pupils of Don Bosco Ngozi always be honest citizens and good Christians in the Burundian Nation.


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