
Don Bosco Tech Africa Hosts Global Program Kickoff Workshop in Nairobi

From 11 to 21 November 2024, Don Bosco Tech Africa, in collaboration with Don Bosco Mondo, hosted a global program kickoff workshop in Nairobi. The workshop was themed “Increased Opportunities for Decent Work and Improved Living Standards for Young People in sub-Saharan Africa by Improving the Quality and Relevance of Vocational Training Programs – 2nd Phase”.

Participants included Provincials, Provincial Economers/PDO, and P-TVET representatives from 11 countries divided into 10 Provinces.

AGL was represented by the Provincial Economer, Fr Servilien UFITAMAHO, the P-TVET, Fr Callixte Ukwitegetse, and Mr Felicien DUSABIMANA, the PDO coordinator.

In his opening remarks, Fr Max Okoro, Director of Don Bosco Tech Africa, stressed the importance of collaboration and urged participants to fully engage to achieve the program’s objectives. He highlighted the significance of the workshop in enhancing Don Bosco TVET centers’ ability to serve young people effectively.

During engaging group discussions, participants actively discussed the achievements of Global Programme Phase 1, shared insights on challenges faced, lessons learned, and provided valuable recommendations for the future. The program aims to empower young people in sub-Saharan Africa with quality TVET education and strengthen the TVET sector nationally through stakeholders’ contributions.

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