ADVOCACY, Charity, Education

Bringing hope to the single mothers of Rango, Butare

BUTARE-RWANDA: Ms. Nikuze Marie Rose is a mother of two young children and lives in Huye District, in St. John Bosco Rango Parish.

Ms. Nikuze has lived a difficult life as an orphan. After giving birth, Nikuze has never lived with the man that has impregnated her.

She said, “At the time when I came to this parish of St. John Bosco of Rango; I was living a miserable life.”

“First of all they gave me a place to stay.” Ms. Nikuze explains.

She adds that “Life was difficult for me, but not as difficult as I was before I started being helped by the Salesians.”

She explains that in the beginning she went to the parish and they gave work so that the children would not be hungry.

Ms. Nikuze said, “Now my child has started school and is going in P 2.”

In all of these struggles she says, “Jesus strengthened me.”

“I heard that here at the parish they are helping the poor and the youth.” She narrates.

Since she was not able to support her family even though she finished high school but did not get a diploma, Ms. Nikuze who studied mathematics, economics and computer, decided to ask for help so that she can pursue tailoring training.

“They asked me if I really want to study and I replied that I want to wake up my brain so that I can improve, learn a profession and be able to help my children.” She explained.

“On the way to the Salesians, they heard me and told me to come and study, and finally I told them that studying is difficult but I told them that I feel strong to continue.” She said,

“I took the first step to go to school and they didn’t chase me away. They provided us with a meal to feed our children. We learned sewing and how to do our work professionally, which immediately opened our minds to value what we were going to do in the labour market.” Ms. Nikuze explained.

In fact, these single mothers always had a social problem and even though they were studying, they were always wondering where to get sewing machines because they didn’t have the means.

However, Ms. Nikuze said “At the end of the course they gave us each a gift of a sewing machine. We are now waiting for the certificates.”

She said, “In short, today I am happy because now the children are able to get something to eat and I get clothes to wear and I can earn at least Rwf 2000 a day even if it’s not the same everyday.”

She commends the Salesians and the benefactors, saying, “What they have done for us is really very helpful. It is true that we are grateful to the philanthropists, the Silesians, whose ideas are alive and take us out of isolation.” Nikuze said.

“We want you to visit us regularly, to be close and inspire our move. Of course we cannot create big things because the capital is small; but actually in the market, we are now taking advantage of the gift of the sewing machine you gave us, we are now working together and we are professional tailors.” Nikuze added.

She also noted that she wants her children to get a good education and be able to support themselves and not face a bad life. “I want my children to study and pray, to grow up and respect others, to love God, to learn and to graduate from school and to achieve prosperity.”

Currently the first child is going to P 2 while the small child will start the Primary one in the 2022-2023 academic year.

Nikuze’s goal is not to go back but to keep improving and moving ahead.

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