
AGL PDO director, P-JSO coordinator attend DB Tech Africa-Annual Stakeholders Assembly in Nairobi

From 28th February to 4th March 2022, Father Ufitamahoro Servilien, the Direct of the Planning and Development Office for AGL Province (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda) together with Dominic Uwarugira, the Rwanda-Job Service Office Coordinator and Father Habanabakize Cesar, Youth Ministry delegate are participating in the Don Bosco Tech Africa-Annual Stakeholders Assembly in Nairobi.

The assembly is hosted under the theme: “Enhancing Skills Development through Innovative approaches Based on Sound Governance and Management of Don Bosco TVET Centres in Africa-Madagascar”.

According to the thematic areas of the assembly, participants discussed the importance of having a strong TVET System, Employing digital skills to enhance learning outcomes, the 4th Industrial Revolution and its implication in the skill development as well as social dialogue as an engine of quality apprenticeship.

The participants also jointly reviewed the management and development of vocational education in Salesian TVETs in Africa. This is a great opportunity to share ideas to improve and provide quality education to young people studying in these TVETs.

While virtually addressing the participants on Wednesday, Br. Jean Paul Muller, the Economer General stressed that TVET centres need the highest level of resilience and it is important for TVET Managers to not only know the strengths of their staff but also individual values which they can use to contribute to the growth of the centres. He added that TVET managers should be people who are able to think critically, develop new ideas, embrace teamwork, and able to respond to complexity and change situations.”

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