Activity, NEWS

UGANDA: Association of Salesian Cooperators at Bombo kicks off

By John Paul M. MUGISHA

On Sunday 20th March 2022, teachers and staff of Don Bosco schools at Bombo, together with Christian leaders and catechists of Namaliga Parish, met to officially launch the Association of Salesian Cooperators; Bombo-Namaliga Center.

When first Salesians settled in Bombo in 1988, local Christians started to help them in different activities and were working as Salesian cooperators, collaborators and friends of Don Bosco though formal procedures were not followed. Today more than 70 Catholic and non-Catholic Christians work permanently with Salesian Community in Bombo, some in teaching and others in catechesis activities.

After several attempts to formalize their activities as Salesian Cooperators, teachers, instructors, catechists, sports coaches, different artists, former pupils and adult students have decided to update their legacy by starting their own Local Center in the global Association of Salesian Cooperators.

Under the guidance and support of the Rector of Bombo-Namaliga Community Rev. Fr. Joseph LONG and the Parish Priest and Delegate of Salesian Cooperators Rev. Fr. Joseph MWEBE and all members of the Salesian Community in Bombo, 35 members of the association signed the Memorandum of Association and endorsed the Project of Apostolic Life and thus start the formal Association.

Among other activities of the day, members discussed short-, mid- and long-term projects and activities that will ensure sustainability of their association.

Apart from catechism, formation of members and educational activities, cooperators committed themselves to establish Don Bosco Charity Club, Don Bosco Saving and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), Don Bosco Multiservice Center as well as Don Bosco Youth Recreation Center among others.

On Sunday 27th March 2022 the first General Assembly met and elected the Center Council as following:

Coordinator: MUREKEZI MUGISHA John Paul

Vice Coordinator: OPEJO Banabas

Secretary: MASERUKA Jane

Treasurer: NAMUTEBI Clare

Formator: KITAKULE T. Anthony


MWAMBU Emmanuel



APUMO Jacinta


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Stefan Zimmer

May 15, 2024

Kindly allow me to ask you a question. I received a letter asking for monetary support from “P.O.Box 37, Bombo, Uganda, East Africa”. A poor young woman writes she were following a course in Midwifery at “Kayuga Community School of Health Science”, without further address than the above-mentioned P.O.B. But this school is neither found on the list of recognized educational institutions of Uganda nor on the map of Bombo, both consulted on the internet. I am afraid the letter is just an attempt to fraud me. I trust you Salesians would know of that “School” if it ever exists. Kindly tell me what to think about th request. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll simply dispose of the said letter. Thank you for your help! With best wishes, S. Z. in Germany



May 22, 2024

Our Schools are known in Uganda and for this issue we can not independently confirm the existence of that School. However we will contact our community to trace if it exists. Regards
